
All our churches are completely funded by the generosity of our worshipping community and by interested and supportive people like you.  We are very grateful for your support.  Without this income, we would not be able to keep our church buildings maintained, nor continue to have paid clergy to staff them.

There are collection plates at all of our services and a donation box in some churches.  However, if you are able to consider donating directly from your bank account, or, even better, setting up a regular standing order, we would be eternally grateful. The attached leaflet gives details of how to do this for the Berrow Benefice – we hope to add details for Longdon Benefice in the near future. There are Gift Aid declaration & Standing Order forms available for Eldersfield, Berrow with Pendock, and Birtsmorton and Hollybush. Even if you set up a standing order yourself, it’s important to complete the Gift Aid declaration and send it to us – otherwise we cannot reclaim the tax!

Many thanks for your continued help and support.

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