
Welcome to our page of wedding information for couples marrying with us here in Berrow Benefice.  Many congratulations on your engagement, and we look forward to welcoming you into our churches as many of you do your 6 months of attendances with us to establish your qualifying connection in order to marry with us.  Rev Julie, Rev Anthea and Mel, our administrator really love to help you plan the church part of your big day so do get in touch and ask any questions you’ve got – there really is no such thing as a stupid question.

We’ve tried to anticipate some of your questions and put together a document containing lots of lovely information for you on planning your big day – music, hymns, readings, the legal bits and costs – which can be viewed below or downloaded here.  And we’ve done a short video of the interior of the Church which can be viewed on our Facebook page here – Video of Birtsmorton Church interior.

Keep an eye on the calendar on this website and our Facebook page for updates on services – or drop your officiating minister or benefice administrator a quick email.

All good wishes for your futures together and we look forward to playing our part to ensure you have a wonderful wedding day.

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