Walking Church, Sunday 30th April

Walking Church, what on earth is that???  I hear you ask.  It’s a way of taking Church out into the community rather than always expecting the community to come to us.  We will walk from the Church of the Redeemer at Pendock Cross, along School Lane, stopping at Thistledown, opposite the school for a brief prayer stop.  Then its on down Netherley Lane, where we take a break at Netherley, home of Andrew and Elisabeth Rambridge.  Onwards, ever onwards to the junction of Netherley Lane and Whiting Hill Lane and then finally arriving at St Faith’s Berrow, hopefully just in time for an 11am service of Holy Communion.

Approximate timings are 10am meet at Church of the Redeemer, 10.10am at Thistledown, 10.25am at Netherley, 10.40am at the junction of the 2 lanes, and 10.55am or thereabouts at St Faiths.  Folk are most welcome to join us en route, to be there for a part of it or the whole of it, to stay on for the communion service or to head for home at that point – its very flexible and informal.

Service sheet for Walking Church can be viewed or downloaded here in Word format or here in PDF format.  Service sheet for the 11am Celtic Communion can be viewed or downloaded here in Word format or here in PDF format.  Hard copy service sheets for both will also be available on the day.

We look forward to seeing you on our way!

Compline, 8th July

David begins a Compline marathon all of his own, as Doug and Heather enjoy a very well earned break.  We meet on Phone Church via Zoom in Rev Julie’s Zoom room at 7pm for a catch up chat and then, from 7.15pm, David will lead our quiet, contemplative service of prayer and praise, a great way to draw the week to a close.  Your service sheet can be viewed or downloaded here, and all are very welcome to come along.

Compline, 3rd December

Advent is upon us, with all the busyness of the run up to Christmas.  Step out of the hustle and bustle and join us for the quiet, contemplative service of Compline on Phone Church, via Zoom.  We meet at 7pm to catch up on the week’s news and events, and then David will lead us in prayer and worship from 7.15pm.  All are very welcome, and your service sheet can be viewed or downloaded here.

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