Parish Magazine

We were unable to print and distribute the April Parish Magazine in the usual way due to Coronavirus, so we are posting it here so that you can either view it online (click on the picture) or download and print it (links at the bottom of this post).

Please be aware that parts of the magazine are now outdated, because of the fast moving national situation, for example the pages 16 and 17 state that several churches are open for private prayer. All Churches are now locked, in response to Church of England and Government Guidance. There is no rota of services, as all services in Church buildings are currently suspended. We are however continuing to be Church via the medium of Phone Church – see article for more details.

You can also download it here, together with the adverts. If you set your printer to print landscape, double sided, flip SHORT side, you will, once folded in the middle have a normal A5 folded magazine.

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