
As we’re unable to produce our Parish Magazine at the moment, and because the current situation changes day by day, we are aiming to produce a fortnightly Newsletter to try to stay in touch with everyone, whether they have access to the Internet or not.  Edition 1 can be downloaded here.  If you know of anyone who is not online but who you think would value a copy do let Rev Julie or Rev Anthea know and we’ll sort out a way of getting a copy to them.

Also, if you have any ideas on content, or what we should include in the next edition, please let Rev Anthea know.  We’re aiming to keep it down to 4 A5 pages on 1 A4 sheet for ease of production and distribution – if you print it using the booklet option on your printer properties, it should come out right!

Parish Magazine

We were unable to print and distribute the April Parish Magazine in the usual way due to Coronavirus, so we are posting it here so that you can either view it online (click on the picture) or download and print it (links at the bottom of this post).

Please be aware that parts of the magazine are now outdated, because of the fast moving national situation, for example the pages 16 and 17 state that several churches are open for private prayer. All Churches are now locked, in response to Church of England and Government Guidance. There is no rota of services, as all services in Church buildings are currently suspended. We are however continuing to be Church via the medium of Phone Church – see article for more details.

You can also download it here, together with the adverts. If you set your printer to print landscape, double sided, flip SHORT side, you will, once folded in the middle have a normal A5 folded magazine.

Using Phone Church

So that we can continue worshipping together, even in self isolation, we’ve been trying out meeting through conference calling, which also has an online option, so some of us can see each other as well as hear each other.

Update: with effect from 4 July, we are switching from Webex to Zoom. Please see the instructions below for how to join us or click here to go straight there.

Services take place every Sunday at 11am, every Wednesday at 11am and every Friday at 7pm.  The Wednesday and Friday services also offer space to connect and catch up with each other as well as worship, and you are most welcome to join us. You will need to access the service sheet from our Resources page, and the instructions on how to join in on the call are here for phone users, here for internet users and here for ipad and app users.

Hope to hear and/or see you sometime soon.

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