Service Sheets

Walking Church, Sunday 30th April

Walking Church, what on earth is that???  I hear you ask.  It’s a way of taking Church out into the

Compline, 8th July

David begins a Compline marathon all of his own, as Doug and Heather enjoy a very well earned break.  We

Compline, 3rd December

Advent is upon us, with all the busyness of the run up to Christmas.  Step out of the hustle and

Compline, 26th November

Friday night signals the start of a busy weekend for Doug! First of all he leads our regular Friday service

Compline, 19th November

Friday again, hard to believe – after Remembrance Sunday it always feels like all downhill til Christmas……Make the most of

Compline, 12th November

Armistice Day is just past, when we remember those who have given their lives in the service of their country

Compline, 5th November

Remember, remember the 5th of November, gunpowder, treason and plot…..but mainly remember that its Compline day!  David will be leading

Bishop Martin at Morning Prayer, 20th October, 9.30am

Bishop Martin, the Bishop of Dudley, is in the middle of a pilgrimage round the diocese, a Pilgrimage of Prayer

Compline, 8th October

It wouldn’t be Friday without our short said service of Compline on Phone Church via Zoom.  We meet at 7pm

Compline, 1st October

First of the month again and there’s definitely a chill in the air as October begins.  Our service of Compline

17th Sunday after Trinity, 26th September

Our final online Sunday service – for a while at least.  As of October we are back in church for

16th Sunday after Trinity, Sunday 19th September

We meet at Eldersfield Church at 11am for our service of Holy Communion, led by Rev Julie.  Your service sheet

Compline, 17th September

Halfway through the month already and autumn is nearly upon us.  Slow things down by joining us for Compline on

Morning Prayer, 15th September

Our regular Wednesday morning service of Morning Prayer is here again!  We meet at 11am to share our short said

Fifteenth Sunday after Trinity, 12th September

Sunday morning at 11am Rev Julie will lead our online service of Holy Communion on Phone Church.  All are very

Compline, 10th September

Friday already!  Time to let go of the stresses and strains of the week by coming along to our regular

Morning Prayer, 8th September

We meet at 11am on Phone Church via Zoom for our regular service of Morning Prayer – service sheet can

Family Service, 5th September

This Sunday we have a Family Service at St Faith’s Berrow at 11am.  The Family Service is designed to be

Compline, 3rd September

First Compline of Autumn……..we get together at 7pm on Phone Church via Zoom to review the events of the week. 

Morning Prayer, Wednesday 1st September

Another month gone, and we’re really into Autumn now.  Celebrate by coming along to Morning Prayer on Phone Church via

Open Air Service, Sunday 29th August

Its Bank Holiday weekend so the weather must be set fair – right?  Thankfully with 3 weddings over the 3

Morning Prayer, 25th August

Wednesday morning, 11am, grab yourself a coffee and come and join us on Phone Church for our short said service

Twelfth Sunday after Trinity, 22nd August

We are back on Zoom this Sunday, but thankfully Rev Julie is also back to lead us once more.  We

Compline, 20th August

Life is becoming increasingly hectic as things return to some sort of normal.  All the more reason to come along

Morning Prayer, 18th August

Over halfway through the month already – and heading for September with its fetes and concerts, mists and mellow fruitfulness. 

Family Service, 11th Sunday after Trinity, 15th August

We’re back at Eldersfield Church at 11am for a Family Service, suitable for adults and children alike.  Rev Julie will

Compline, 13th August

Its Friday 13th, scariest of all the dates, so calm yourself down with a bit of Compline, 7pm on Phone

Morning Prayer, 11th August

This Wednesday at 11am we meet for our regular service of Morning Prayer on Phone Church via Zoom.  The short

Tenth Sunday after Trinity, 8th August

In Rev Julie absence, Rev Anthea has been hauled off the subs bench again and will be leading our service

Compline, 6th August

What better way to celebrate Julie and Bob’s anniversary than by coming together to join in the ancient, meditative service

Morning Prayer, 4th August

Its Wednesday so it must be time for Morning Prayer, every Wednesday at 11am on Phone Church via Zoom.  Your

Ninth Sunday after Trinity, 1st August

First day of the month, we’re at St Faith’s, Berrow at 11am for our regular service of Holy Communion, led

Compline, 30th July

Nearly the end of the month, and we meet for Compline once more, this Friday at 7pm on Phone Church

Morning Prayer, 28th July

Our 11am service of Morning Prayer happens every Wednesday at 11am on Phone Church via Zoom.  First we worship, then

Eighth Sunday after Trinity, 25th July

Our online service of Holy Communion is back on Phone Church this Sunday and Rev Julie is leading us in

Compline, 23rd July

This ancient contemplative service has been used for many centuries to draw the monastic day to an end.  Give it

Morning Prayer, 21st July

As it is my dear, long suffering husband’s birthday today, I will not be leading our regular 11am service of

Seventh Sunday after Trinity, 18th July

We are at Eldersfield Church this Sunday at 11am for our service of Holy Communion.  You need to ensure you

Compline, 16th July

Our regular end to the week happens every Friday at 7pm on Phone Church via Zoom.  First we catch up

Morning Prayer, 14th July

Every Wednesday we come together to share worship at 11am on Phone Church via Zoom, and to offer support, help

Sixth Sunday after Trinity, 11th July

Rejoice with us as Rev Julie returns safe and sound from her holidays to lead us in our regular Holy

Compline, 9th July

Our regular short said service of Compline on Phone Church via Zoom happens every Friday from 7pm.  We meet to

Morning Prayer, 7th July

Every Wednesday at 11am we gather on Phone Church via Zoom to put the world to rights, and to worship

Family Service at St Faith’s, 4th July

This Sunday we are back in our lovely Church building at Berrow, with lots of brilliant banns to be read

Compline, 2nd July

Every Friday we come together to sign off on the week, and head peacefully into the weekend through the ancient

Morning Prayer, 30th June

The last day of June already, where does the time go???  Pause for a few moments of reflection at 11am

Fourth Sunday after Trinity, 27th June

Come along and join us for our regular online service of Holy Communion at 11am on Phone Church via Zoom. 

Compline, 26th June

If its Friday, it must be time for Compline!  Every Friday at 7pm we meet on Phone Church via Zoom

Morning Prayer, 23rd June

Every Wednesday at 11am we come together on Phone Church via Zoom, to share worship, to share news and to

Third Sunday after Trinity, 20th June

This Sunday we are at Eldersfield Church for an 11am service of Holy Communion, led by Rev Julie.  Your service

Compline, 18th June

Our weekly “thin place” where we come together in silence and stillness to say the ancient monastic office of Compline

Morning Prayer, 16th June

We meet at 11am on Phone Church via Zoom to say Morning Prayer together, and then to hear everyone’s news

Second Sunday after Trinity, 13th June

Two services on offer today – the first is our online service of Holy Communion at 11am on Phone Church

Compline, 11th June

Tonight’s service of Compline begins at 7pm with time and space for an exchange of news, and details of how

Morning Prayer, 9th June

Our regular 11am midweek service of Morning Prayer happens every Wednesday on Phone Church via Zoom.  We worship together with

Compline, 4th June

Tear yourself away from the garden for a gentle contemplative service of Compline, every Friday from 7pm on Phone Church. 

Morning Prayer, 2nd June

Join us for the first service of a new month, as we meet for Morning Prayer at 11am on Phone

Trinity Sunday, 30th May

We celebrate Trinity Sunday at Birtsmorton Church with an 11am service of Holy Communion led by Rev Julie.  Your service

Compline, 28th May

Start the bank holiday weekend off in style by joining us for Compline at 7pm this Friday.  We have 15

Morning Prayer, 26th May

Morning all, welcome to another day on planet Earth.  Let’s celebrate by coming together for Morning Prayer at 11am on

Pentecost, 23rd May

Join us on Sunday at 11am on Phone Church via Zoom as we celebrate the birthday of the Church with

Compline, 21st May

Join us for our short said service of Compline at 7pm on Phone Church via Zoom.  Your service sheet can

Morning Prayer, 19th May

Finally its starting to feel a bit like summer – or at least spring!  So spring forward into summer with

Morning Prayer, 12th May

We meet at 11am on Phone Church via Zoom for our short said service of Morning Prayer.  Then we stay

Family Service, Sunday 9th May

A change to our normal online services, as this Sunday Doug leads us in a Family Service – shorter, more

Compline, 7th May 2021

Join us at 7pm for a catchup session where we share the highs and lows of the week.  Then at

Morning Prayer, 5th May

Every Wednesday we meet for a short service and a long catch up chat on Phone Church via Zoom.  Our

Compline, 30th April

The last day of April – where is the year going???  Celebrate by indulging in a little contemplative reflection at

Morning Prayer, 28th April

Our regular midweek service of Morning Prayer takes place at 11am every Wednesday on Phone Church via Zoom.  Your service

Compline, 23rd April

Its Friday, its 7pm so it must be time for Compline!  We begin with a 15 minute time and space

Morning Prayer, 21st April

All are welcome to join us for our short said service of Morning Prayer at 11am on Wednesday morning on

Morning Prayer, 17th March 2021

A happy St Patrick’s Day to you all!  Doug has taken St Patrick as the theme for his service of

Morning Prayer, 10th March 2021

March and Lent are both whizzing by – Mothering Sunday this Sunday, so get your flower orders in and cards

Morning Prayer, 3rd March 2021

After a glorious weekend of wonderful weather, and an inspirational talk from Archdeacon Robert, we come back down to earth

Morning Prayer, 24th February 2021

Our last Morning Prayer of February – the year is flying past, aided by news of the roadmap to guide

Morning Prayer, 17th February

A beautiful day for our service of Morning Prayer, at 11am via Phone Church.  Doug will lead us in an

Sunday next before Lent, 14th February 2021

Hopefully you’ve got your Valentine’s Day all well planned out – flowers ordered, card bought, champagne on ice – and

Compline, 12th February

We’re getting towards the end of the cold snap, but its still a good idea to keep warm, stay by

Morning Prayer, 10th February

We’re meant to be in for a return to wintery weather, and the Beast from the East mark 2, but

Second Sunday before Lent, 7th February 2021

No sooner are Christmas and Epiphany done, than Lent appears on the horizon.  Two more Sunday’s til Ash Wednesday and

Compline, 5th February 2021

Its Friday already, which means time for Compline once more.  Doug will lead us tonight in this ancient and timeless

Morning Prayer, 3rd February 2021

Wow, we made it through January and now February is here in all her glory.  In terms of the Church

Candlemas, 31st January 2021

On the final day of January, we come together at 11am on Phone Church to celebrate the Presentation of Christ

Compline, 29th January 2021

Friday, and nearly the end of January, the month which looks like she going to go out in quite a

Morning Prayer, 27th January 2021

The snow is at last turning to slush, though it still looks and feels pretty wintery out there!  Stay by

Third Sunday of Epiphany, 24th January 2021

We meet together to share in worship and hear again the story of the wedding at Cana, turning water into

Compline, 22nd January

We meet to talk at 7pm and to pray our ancient, meditative service of Compline together at 7.15pm.  Doug will

Morning Prayer, 20th January

We may be only just over Blue Monday, but we’ll do our best to cheer you up at Morning Prayer

Second Sunday of Epiphany, 17th January 2021

Second Sunday of Epiphany and we’re halfway through January already.  Aconites and snowdrops are out in our gardens, sure signs

Compline, 15th January 2021

If the headlines and lockdown are getting you down, take some time out and come along to our quiet, meditative

Baptism of Christ, 10th January 2021

As we find ourselves in another period of total lockdown, so we have taken the difficult decision to move all

Compline, 8th January

It may be snowy outside – cold but very beautiful – so stay in by the fire and warm yourself

Morning Prayer, 6th January 2021

New Year, new lockdown, same old Morning Prayer – some things in life you can rely on…..We meet as usual

Epiphany Sunday, 3rd January 2021

Now, we all know Rev Julie has an affinity for the three kings, as this photo clearly demonstrates, so we

Happy New Year Compline!

We kick off the New Year with Compline led by Doug, for whom the first day of the year is

Morning Prayer, 30th December

I do hope you are able to enjoy this Christmas season, in spite of flood and snow!  No matter the

Services for Sunday 27th December, First Sunday after Christmas

You have a choice of services this coming Sunday!  There will be a short, said service of Morning Prayer at

Christmas Day Family Service

Come and join us at St Faith’s Church, Berrow at 10am on Christmas Day to celebrate the birth of Jesus,

Midnight Mass, Christmas Eve

At the moment of writing, we are able to meet together at 11.30pm on Christmas Eve at Eldersfield Church to
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